Ai Weiwei
I finally went to see the Ai Weiwei Zodiac installation at Civic Center Plaza in downtown Denver. These are an interpretation of a set of...

WAX Stories 2 Ending
WAX Stories was soooo successful!! Thank you! The show came down yesterday and we packed up the boxes (phew! that's some work!) I will...

End o' Year Recap...
I have to do this year re-cap stuff to remind myself that I actually did something in 2017. I want to show a jam packed timeline,...

Collage Fun
Collage artist Xochi Solis is part of an exhibit at the Denver Art Museum call Mi Tierra. Her pieces are flat, but huge as they crawl up...

SAM stands for the Summer Art Market, It is an art festival put on by the Art Students League of Denver. The league blocks off...

Blue Chairs
I am part of the MIX co-op at the Niza Knoll Gallery, in the Santa Fe Arts District, Denver. Every year we do an exhibit where we MIX...

The ASLD together with a sponsor, The Colorado Egg Producers, hosted a juried exhibition entitled A Flat of Eggs. There are 30 eggs in a...

In on the Surprise...
A birthday gift for his wife, this piece now hangs where they can also see their real bird house in the garden! So fun to be part of the...

Mexico! With all my siblings for 10 days, it was pure fun. We laughed and ate and drank and laughed and, of course, I made everyone look...

Media Mixed
A group I exhibit with, EXPAND, has a show at the All Colorado Gallery on the Arapahoe Community College campus, 2/11-3/9. We work in a...