Inadvertent Art
Starting fresh. Every January, I am full of new energy, plans, crazy ideas and hope. Hope that this will be a WOW year. I have a bring-it-on attitude every January 1st. This year is no different. I really do believe I am in charge of the wow.
One of the not-so-high-on-my-list plans was to try a blog. Really? Yeah, really! I'll start slowly and share some things I'm working on and see if anyone gives a flip.

Wrapping paper with ink
New Years, 2017, it was a late night and an early morning, as many "new years" are. I was tired of continually cleaning holiday clutter off the work tables in my studio. I wanted the studio to ready for me when I was ready for it, and was I ever ready for it. I needed to work today, it had been too long. So I made some inadvertent art by salvaging a scrape of blue wrapping paper with tiny clouds, and making easy brush strokes with black ink. It felt great. Soon I added chop sticks in my left hand and was scraping and dabbing and dripping. The process took less than 30 minutes, It felt great. It is not great art but a great start. A start back into the sudio for a wow year.